We had been waiting, excitedly, for a few days for the movie to come out. We have watched the clips, looked at pictures, and talked about it, a lot. Today we were full with excitement as we drove to the movies.
Now we are home, happy. We drew and colored pictures about the movie and then the children ate green eggs, (Aiden's egg was actually blue that is what he wanted) after reading green eggs and ham. We were so into Dr. Seuss that I tried rhyming, but that was a big fiasco.
We love doctor Seuss' books!
we also drew pictures about the movie |
Also this week I took a picture of myself after cleaning the bathroom
and a picture of the children trying to clean Aiden's room, Isabella's room is underutilized so it's usually clean. She usually sleeps on the guest-bed in Aiden's room.
Now, by looking at the picture, you may conclude that they are playing instead of cleaning. Your conclusion is right, they failed at cleaning and organizing. In fact, yesterday I asked Aiden to pick up the toys in his room, there were just a few laying around. An hour later, right before bed time Jared walked in to check and he could barely step into the room. Aiden had decided to sort out his toys by emptying all his baskets on the floor, and soon left to play with Bella who was actually organizing in her own room.