Thursday, July 28, 2011

Here in Miami

Today I went for a jog. I would have liked to say run, but it was so slow I can't call it anything but a jog...which is actually all I usually do anyways. The last time I went running was last week, nope I take that back, it was a week and a half ago on a Friday. Exercising here in Florida is not as easy (to me) as it is at home. Here I don't seem to find the time or place to do anything.
On another topic, I just finished reading Anne of Green Gables, and I really liked it. I have plans of reading at least one or two more books of the series until I get tired of it.
Of course I should mention that I went to the beach, not here but up in fort Meyers, and while I would have liked to go to the beach more often while I was here it has been raining almost everyday.

The kids have been practicing their Spanish, but not enough to have any conversation but they seem to get along just fine with their abuelo and abuela.