Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jared's Birthday

Today is Jared's Bday so I'm throwing our healthy eating habits out the window, but just for today and tomorrow, and maybe the weekend also. In actuality we are only over-indulging in desserts, our main meals will still be healthy. Today for dessert we may be having cannolis, which I bought from the supermarket yesterday, or "Oaty" Apple Crisp that I just baked and smells delicious (we'll be having that with vanilla ice-cream which is waiting for us in the freezer). We'll continue to celebrate Jared's birthday with junk/dessert for the rest of the week...or at least that is my plan.
 So happy!

 Jared got some help blowing the candles

For once I remember the seldom use timer in our camera


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that top picture! It is really rare to have a picture of Jared smiling! Most pictures he looks just like he does in the bottom picture. Tell him he should try to look happy to be with his family! =)

  2. Oh yeah, and what is up with that weird candle thing? Is that some weird Cox-Cardeso family tradition thing?

  3. Yes, that candle thing is some candle and figurines thing I bought for Bella a few years ago and we have been using it ever since...the only difference is that the candles are in every other hole (if I find an old picture of it I will send it to you)
    About Jared you are right, I was taking pictures and he actually said "wait until I stop laughing" I obviously didn't, which was the right thing to do. I agree he looks great when he laughs but he thinks he will look silly so he sobers-up before pictures, always.
