Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Blanket

Here is a baby blanket that I made for Andrew's sister. I made a blanket for his other sister, but I didn't take a picture of it before I gave it to her. I believe this is my best blanket so far. Unfortunately the colors don't look right in the picture. I'm not sure why, but I do promise that the actual colors in the blanket are much cuter than what they look like right here.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I have made strawberry jam, not just freezer jam, which is what I normally do, but shelf-stable jam. It tastes delicious. Following are the pictures of the process step-by-step:
1. We picked fresh strawberries at a u-pick farm (I should have taken a picture of us picking the strawberries but I obviously didn't,

2. Washed and trimmed

3. Mashed and cooked,

4. and finally bottled


happenings coffee table is all scratched, and messy, it is full of toys, books, games, and half empty bottles of water. I am sitting on the couch writing with the tv on while the children try to set up a game of...something. Every now and then I say guys something else fell, something falls every few seconds...Jared is taking a nap. I am definitely...bored? I really am not sure so here are some pics:
 Aiden had a haircut last month...
before haircut
after haircut

 We have been to the zoo
in an egg

with a bush baby...
at the museum of natural science we also looked at dinosaur bones... 
among other things