Today I found a blogger following my posts, which are not many, and I decided to check her blog.
I am amazed. The Lord works in wonderful and unimaginable ways. I read the Silver Strands' post about being cured from MS. How she and her family searched the Word of Wisdom, being healed by food, etc. This post was inspiring, and exactly what I needed to read right now.
For a few weeks now Jared has been toying with the idea of cutting meat and animal derived products from our diets. He suggested that we watch "Forks over Knives"...But every time I would ask to see it, he would say "not today." Last weekend, on Sunday actually, we watched "Forks over Knives" Jared just turned it on.
Following the documentary we read the word of wisdom. We talked about it for a while. I don't know why we have been so worried about our diets. We are pretty healthy, except for Jared having a relatively high cholesterol, we are active, and exercise at least twice a week. We don't have any health problems as far as we know, yet lately Jared has been worried.
After discussing the changes that we must do to our diets, I made up my mind. We will try to go vegan, as much as possible, as soon as possible. So we started on Monday, I'm quick like that.
To eat more vegetables is not a problem, the kids and I already eat a mostly vegetarian diet except for eggs, and dairy. Jared on the other hand is having some trouble, on Monday and Wednesday he went to a Korean Barbeque for lunch where he ate mostly meat. He is weak when it comes to eating meat, I know this is why he made me watch that documentary, he wants me to help him.
At home, I have been doing my best to follow through with our plan. I already bought soy milk, the chocolate and vanilla flavors, and I have cooked a vegetarian dinner everyday. (Aiden is already tired of beans, while Bella is enjoying them.) But so far, I have had a couple of things that contain milk and today I had a bite of cheese. So I was wavering. This is why reading her blog couldn't have happened at a better time. I need support, I need to be strong, the Silver Strand's blog was exactly what I needed. I need to be strong because Jared is weak. While I am not sure how strict we should be on following a completely vegan diet, whatever we do I want to do for life. I don't want to do a fad, temporary diet, I want to improve the way we live our lives, I want to improve our health, I want my children to be strong. I already pray for them to be strong, now we need to do what we can to be just that. In Spanish there is a saying that goes something like this: God says "take care of yourself and I will take care of you". He already helps us by giving us the Word of Wisdom, now all we need to do is study it and follow it.
I sound a little preachy, I know, but this is all for me.
Next week there will be no cheese at all. I know I can do it.
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