Thursday, December 15, 2011

Adios to my dad, Juan

Juan just died a few weeks ago. I was there touching his arm, holding his shoulder as he breathed his last three breaths. I kissed his cheeks and said a prayer. I know my loved ones, already gone, where there to receive and guide him. I have never before felt death so close, lurking around just waiting. I have never been so glad to see someone finally rest.
I love Juan very much, and I am sorry that he is not around.
But I'm more sorry for my mom, whose companion is no longer around.
Mami is lonely, and sad, but as always, life goes on.
Adios to my dad, Juan.

Things I have done since the last time...

I am learning to crochet. Here is my first flower with help from my sister-in-law from Florida.
I think it looks really cute. I have a problem though. I haven't been able to recreate it. In my defense, I haven't tried hard. I'm sure I could do another one, on my own, if I try it...which I will, as soon as I get to Utah in a couple of days.

I don't think I have done anything more, or actually I haven't finished anything but I started a quilt. I will finish it next year :)

It doesn't look great in the picture, it looks better in person. All I need to do is add a back to it and quilting. Also, I thought I could add some flowers to it. Maybe a big flower in a corner, or some small ones.

Also, I'm not sure if I posted my last flower picture so if I have, just ignore it or enjoy it again.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baby Hats

On Pinterest (have you heard about this....because you need to get on so I can follow you!) I keep seeing these adorable newborn pictures of babies in cute hats. So I decided to learn how to make some for my own future newborn. (NOT AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!) Thankfully my sister-in-law was about to have a baby, so I was able to practice on hats for her baby. Unfortunately when I took these pictures I didn't have a baby to dress up.....I'm hoping the hats will be cuter when they are actually on a baby head.

This first hat is a "Munchkin Hat"

Than I made a hat with ear flaps and braids down the side....

The hats actually turned out well enough that I'm excited to try again. And they are surprisingly fast to make (at least compared to blankets!) I made a blanket too....but I forgot to get a picture of it. If N. Carolina is cold enough in the winter, maybe we can make some cute hats for them!