I am learning to crochet. Here is my first flower with help from my sister-in-law from Florida.
I think it looks really cute. I have a problem though. I haven't been able to recreate it. In my defense, I haven't tried hard. I'm sure I could do another one, on my own, if I try it...which I will, as soon as I get to Utah in a couple of days.
I don't think I have done anything more, or actually I haven't finished anything but I started a quilt. I will finish it next year :)
It doesn't look great in the picture, it looks better in person. All I need to do is add a back to it and quilting. Also, I thought I could add some flowers to it. Maybe a big flower in a corner, or some small ones.
Also, I'm not sure if I posted my last flower picture so if I have, just ignore it or enjoy it again.
Your flower crochet looks really good! I can't do flowers yet, so you will have to practice up so you can show me. I made Karston an "Elmo" hat and thankfully he LOVES it!! I hadn't seen that flower picture before...but I really like it! I think it's one of my favorites. I'm jealous about your quilting abilities. I want to learn how to quilt.