Sunday, January 8, 2012

A year in Pictures; Week One

So I have decided to do a year in pictures, I have seeing this done before and it looks like a fun way to keep up with my blogging. Since I am not too consistent in my posting this will be hard, but I'll try my very best. without further ado, here is the first week of 2012:

This was the...ok this I think was actually the 31st of December and thus it is not part of our new year 2012 but New Years Eve morning. We made stuffed french toast, with mascarpone, cream cheese, and strawberries. It was delicious. Jared is not home, he will come back in three weeks. We are counting the days.
Jared and the kids helping with breakfast.        

While I don't mean to make all my posts about food that seems to be the main topic for this week. The following pictures where taken a completely different day, on Tuesday actually, my children just like to wear their favorite shirts anytime they see it in their closet.
I decided to make spring rolls, but with spinach instead of cabbage (I didn't have any cabbage)
It may not look great...
...but it tasted really good. They requested that I make them again, and this time I'll use cabbage!
Now to get away from the topic of food another story. This is not a good happy story is more of a mad, sad story. I got a haircut this week. I wanted to get a few layers, trim my hair just enough so that my hair was more even. I don't know if you remember, or noticed (for those of you who have seen me resently) but the back of my hair was about an inch longer than the rest, just because it was growing from my pixie haircut exactly a year ago. It was finally long enough for me to have a bob cut with a few wispy layers. Well, on Thursday a nice lady, but not so good hair-stylist, unintentionally gave me the worse haircut in the history of bad haircuts. She left me with something that looked like a mix between the mom of the Brady bunch and a modern take on the mullet. I looked like a much older lady with no sense of style.
It was worse than what you can see in this picture, the worst, I think was the back of my head, of which I got no picture to show

Completely horrible! I can't even conceive of anybody looking at my hair and thinking that looked good. I was so mad/sad/ disappointed/etc. that I left stunned, I don't even remember if I thanked her, or smiled as I walked out the door, got in the car, and cried for a few minutes before I was ready to drive away. Needless to say I made an appointment the next day to have somebody else fix my hair. Now I sport really short hair again but at least I'm not embarrassed to be seeing in public.
This is me now, as you can see a lot happier.

1 comment:

  1. I know that that getting an bad hair cut is an AWFUL feeling, but I couldn't help laughing at your description of what you hair looked like! Also I laughed because it seems that you have more than your fair share of bad hair cuts....I can think of two in my whole life that I've hated. (Not counting the two times I tried to cut my own bangs and had to wear headbands for WEEKS....but that I did to myself.) Your new hair cut looks really cute! I like it.
