Sunday, October 14, 2012

Liz and Karston Come to Visit. We Take Them to Museums

 Liz and Karston came to visit at the end of the Summer. While they were here we went to the museum on post. Even though the weather was not great, Karston enjoyed running around the airplanes and helicopters.
Isabella was about to be eaten by a sharkopter, luckily she was able to move away since the sharkopter was not moving too fast
 Aiden had some quality time with dad while Liz and Bella ran behind Karston and I just walked around taking pictures

Did I mention that Karston did a lot of running around?

Karston managed to get inside a helicopter, Aiden was very upset because we were "breaking the law" there was a sign that said no one was allowed inside the crafts and he pointed it out to us a few times

Aiden was fascinated with the guns much to Jared's delight

  We also went to a car museum, where the kids had some fun looking at old cars and motorcycles...

...and to the science adventure center (a children museum of science) were the kids kept me running from one place to another so I couldn't take too many pictures...
working together to lift up a car

At the children's Adventure Center we had lots of fun, but we split up as soon as we walked in since our children had different interests so I'm assuming Karston had fun. There were a few dinosaurs and bees, and a circulation water table, simulation heart climbing thing, dance revolution type game, etc. 

...and we went to the local museum, but I took no pictures there I think, since I couldn't find any in my phone or camera...(we must be the most boring people since all we can plan are trips to museums) I am glad we had fireworks (roman candles), and sparklers, mostly to show Liz that we like to live dangerously.

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