Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Pooch, Inverted

Yesterday, while doing a shoulder-stand I came face to (face?) with my body nemesis: my lower belly pooch. My nemesis usually doesn't look that bad. Standing, gravity is not too cruel, it just looks like a somewhat happy-faced belly pouch...but inverted! Oh my goodness!!! I was faced with a lose-skin/stretch marked/eater of belly-button monster. Maybe the problem is that I came too close to It so I could clearly see all of the imperfections that I normally ignore and sometimes jokingly shake and pat to show "It" my appreciation (it gave up its good looks to support my growing children.) While I don't think I will be able to look at my pouch and think it looks great anytime soon, it comforts me to know that I would do it all over again, if I have to/or if I could. I wouldn't change the reason[s] why I have "It" for the world...although it would have been nice if It had gone back to "normal" after the birth of my children...but I am trying my hardest to improve Its appearance.
I am planning to face my belly pooch again on Friday, and I hope then to look at it with loving instead of critical eyes, or maybe I should do what I have done countless of time previously, I will tuck my shirt into my shorts to avoid being shocked by the way It looks inverted.

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