Friday, October 21, 2011

Two weekends ago, in Ohio, and West Virginia

At the hotel, on Friday night, the day before the wedding, Isabella lost her first upper front teeth
Aiden, who was already in bed, had to get up and join in the picture-taking fun
Two weeks ago we went to Ohio for the Wedding of one of Jared's USU Friend. We had a great time. It was all very nice, and I danced. I danced for 4 or 5 hours, non-stop. Yes I did, and later my calves hurt for 4 or 5 days, non-stop. And yes, it was worth it. I hadn't danced that much for...ever!
I don't have any pictures of the wedding yet, or of me dancing, but I do have some pictures of our trip which included a stop at Melody's in West Virginia.
Fishing at Melody's pond
At the water fall

I love those three
With Melody, who took us to the falls (Carlie is behind the camera)

Beautiful West Virginia


  1. So many new posts in 1 day! Oh my! I know a few people giving up meat lately...but not many that are giving up diary....good luck!(And of course I think you're crazy....but I always thought that!) I'm glad you found Bella's tooth! That was almost heartbreaking. The pictures of your family are beautiful. I wish you weren't so far away!!

  2. I wish I was not so far away. Today for example Jared is gone, has been since Yesterday, and will be until Wednesday. It would have been nice to go see somebody we like, like you.
