Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 5--A taste of rainbow

This week I tried rainbow food. Not exactly what you are thinking, Skittles, but what Isabella and Aiden called "rainbow color food" so I am going with their description of it. Anyways it was pretty good and healthy. I am very proud of my rainbow...and I didn't take anymore pictures so that it all, for now.
I am trying really hard to make good food choices...so far so good.


  1. That does look very nutritious. Any EASY nutritious meal recipes you guys enjoy, feel free to send them my way. I finally found a sugar cookie recipe that Andrew asked me to keep so I can make them again....he is a huge sugar cookie fan, but until now all of my sugar cookie attempts have been met with indifference (as in he liked them but didn't love them). Unfortunately I don't think sugar cookies fall in with your new healthy eating. I'm so excited about your (almost)new house! Fun to be a bit more settled somewhere and not having to worry about getting your rental deposit back!

    1. Actually Liz, I have made vegan sugar cookies, not as good as the "good" sugar cookies because they are a little cakey instead of crumbly, but pretty acceptable, you wouldn't even know that they are vegan. I have a really good mostly vegan cinnamon swirl muffins ("mostly vegan" because I substitute the soy yogurt for regular vanilla yogurt) I fed it to a friend of Aiden who is a very picky eater and he loved them. He even told his mom to make them for him. I will send you the recipe if you want it.
